Marsh Creek runs from the flanks of Mt Diablo to the San Joaquin River, and it is full of surprising wildlife! For the MLK Day of Service, we are picking up trash and keeping our eyes peeled.

Miriam Klingler from East Bay Regional Parks gets in the spirit of the day.

Marsh Creek near the Cypress Staging Area in Oakley
Barry and Paul from Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed, with visual aid.

Hard at work picking up trash

A sign!
And much more

We found a (dying) fish!
And a leech! No kidding!
The leech gallery

No salmon, sadly, but a nice view of Mt Diablo.
And windmills

A den of some animal (otter?) - and a beaver dam!

You heard a lot about Big Break Regional Shoreline, so I dropped by the park on the way home. Here's some of what you would see there: