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Jeanne Rosenmeier

Suisun Marsh: Resilience Hotspot

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Suisun Marsh is the biggest brackish water marsh west of the Mississippi. What's the plan to protect it, and the communities that border it, from sea level rise? We talk to Sadie Wilson of the Greenbelt Alliance about why Suisun is one of their five Resilience Hotspots. Then we move in and get a local perspective from Alex Lunine of Sustainable Solano.

Suisun City locator map (right)

BCDC Bay Plan for sea level rise

Suisun City and Marsh map - current status (below)

And with one foot of sea level rise:

And with 2 feet:

And 3 feet!!

Suisun Marsh today:

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