We visit the Bay Area Bike Swap Festival, which took place at Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek on May 6. You'll be impressed with the bicycle activity boiling away in the area. Listen to the interviews - and check out the links, photos, and videos below!
For a great field trip, ferry and bike over to the Marin Museum of Bicycling in Fairfax
The Bike Swap was sponsored by yd. Bay Area Bike Project.
Bike shops in attendance:
Obstacle course: Picassos at Play Bike Art
Mika's Quest for the Lost Artifact, by Cat Fan
(set in San Francisco)
Jump ramp, sponsored by STF Mobile Bike Shop
I had to throw in this photo of a kid upside
down in the air. (The quality of the photos suffered because Christy wasn't with me.)
East Bay Regional Parks was in attendance, though I didn't record a conversation with them.
Children's obstacle course, sponsored by
Wheel Kids Bicycle Club
There were dozens of bikes for sale in the bike corral - and they looked terrific! (Sorry, no photo)
Other organizations with information booths at the festival:
Firefighters' Local 1230 https://www.contracostafirefighters.org/
Transit, walk, and bike advocates 511.org https://511.org/
Walnut Creek Open Space Department
And for feedback:
Contra Costa Composite Mountain Bike Team https://cccmtb.com/
Bike Walnut Creek ran the valet (bike) parking http://www.bikewalnutcreek.org/
And here we go!
This little girl was unclear on the concept, but having a great time!
I can't wait for next year!