You may already be using iNaturalist as an app on your phone to identify plants and animals. If you aren't yet, you will want to get started by the end of this episode! And did you know that it got its start right here in the Bay Area? Now its a worldwide phenomenon used by lay contributors and Scientists alike. In this episode, iNat board member Cat Chang explains how it works, how it got its start, and what it is used for.
Check out the iNaturalist website here.
There are amazing photos, and much more.
Meet our guest Cat Chang. Cheer her on as she approaches 50,000 observations! (Yes, you read that right - fifty thousand)
After you listen to the podcast, you will want to support iNaturalist by recording your observations, uploading photos, and donating
This is a map of locations from which observations have been uploaded to iNaturalist.
Two hundred million and counting!
Free and open access to biodiversity data